Hi, all. This really isn't boat related, but I couldn't resist, being the proud aunt that I am! I'm in Michigan for a couple of weeks because my brother Ernest and his wife Cheryl just had a future crew member for us. Wolfgang Joseph Marks was born Sunday, September 13th (Morgan's birthday, too!) Though Morgan loved the name, I wasn't too sure at first, but it's growing on me. Grandma and I have been helping out, with a lot of other family members in and out. Ernesto and Cheryl couldn't be happier, and Wolfgang's older sisters, Ashley and Austyn are totally flipped over him, as are all of his aunts, uncles and cousins. Just wanted to share a few pictures!!!
In boat related news, Morgan finished the fiberglass motifications to accomodate the new engines, as well as the other minor fiberglass projects. He has the port engine in and plans to mount the starboard tomorrow. Then, he just has some bottom paint touch-ups to do and she will be ready to splash again! We are so-o-o over the yard experience! No destination set yet, but we are looking to fly to California to give his dad a hand for a couple of weeks. After that, I guess we really need to look at our options.
Hopefully our next posting will be that we're headed somewhere exotic and warm!