Wednesday, May 13, 2009

"Man" Overboard

We spent our first few nights in Nassau tied up at the Yacht Haven so that we could clean the boat and refill our water tank. While there, we indulged in having the shore power and had A/C for the first time since last summer. What a treat! However, we did have a "man" overboard incident. About 6:30 one morning Nyla started barking like crazy, which she does not ever do inside. Then we heard someone knocking on the boat. Morgan went outside and discovered Koki, soaking wet, hanging onto the wooden piling with her butt still in the water! He was able to reach her and pulled her on deck then wrapped her in a towel. She didn't move for about 12 hours. We figured she must have been trying to jump ship again and missed the dock (it was very low tide so the dock was a couple of feet above our deck.) We're thinking she's demoted to SeaCat Third Class again, but Nyla gets a special commendation for alerting the command.

As of today we're still in Nassau. The root canal went pretty well and I'm starting to feel normal again (relatively speaking!) I still can't get over the incredible medical and dental services we've utilized here. Not only was the root canal only $300, the dentist personally picked us up (early), then apologized that he wouldn't be able to give us a ride back.

Today, we're getting some fresh produce and looking at the weather. Our plan is to head to the Berrys then to Freeport. From there, we'll look for some good wind to cross to the Jacksonville area before heading to Brunswick, GA. We need to haul the boat out for some projects, but then we are considering taking the ICW north and try to make it to Michigan.

We may not have access to the internet for a few days, but will keep you updated as we're able. Hope you enjoyed the Georgetown pictures!

1 comment:

  1. No more updates? We miss the adventures and living vicariously through fellow PDQ owners. :-)
